Community Workshop Information

Upcoming and Past Workshops

Find information on upcoming community workshops below, including links to join the meeting, once available. After each workshop, any materials, notes, and recordings will be posted here under Past Workshops.

All workshops will be virtual, with opportunities for satellite-hosted events. Reasonable accommodations for language and ADA access will be provided. Please request accommodations by using this link.

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See below for information on upcoming and recent workshops                                                            

Upcoming Workshops

Community Workshop Two: October 2, 2024, 6pm to 8pm

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  • Hear how community feedback has been incorporated into the beta tool.
  • Learn updates on the project and view high level demonstration of beta tool.
  • Provide input into place-based case studies through application of the beta tool.

Past workshops

Information on our past workshops will be shared here when available. Check back for updates or sign up for our email list and stay up to date when information becomes available.

Community Workshop #1: October 30, 2023, 5:30 - 7:30 pm

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  • Hear introduction to project scope, objectives, and expected outcomes. 
  • Learn about gas decommissioning and potential impacts on local communities.
  • Engage with community-based organizations and other stakeholders to understand the impacts of decommissioning on environmental justice and energy equity to inform metrics being considered for identifying priority locations for equitable, safe, intentional and cost-effective gas decommissioning.
  • Discuss gas decommissioning in different contexts and provide feedback.
Your thoughts and feedback will help improve outcomes of this project for Californians!

Let us know!

Your feedback will inform the development of the tool that will guide California’s leaders when deciding where and how to decommission sections of the state’s gas pipeline infrastructure. By sharing your thoughts, you can help create a useful tool that prioritizes the needs of California residents.

An illustration of a woman thinking of sustainability
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