Mindful Gas Decommissioning Community Resource Hub
A Data-Driven Tool for Equitable and Strategic Exploration of Gas Distribution Pipeline Decommissioning
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FUNDED BY          
Project Team: DNV and California Center for Sustainable Communities (CCSC) at UCLA
A project funded by the California Energy Commission (CEC)


To help meet its clean energy goals, California is exploring strategic decommissioning of the state’s gas distribution pipelines. The state seeks to prioritize community interests and needs with a focus on equitable and just outcomes while also considering safety needs and complex logistics. To understand and balance these needs, the California Energy Commission has funded the Mindful Gas Decommissioning team to develop an interactive tool to assess the 100,000 miles of gas distribution pipelines throughout the state.

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Pipes turning green with vegetation
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Your thoughts and feedback will help improve outcomes of this project for Californians!

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Your feedback will inform the development of the tool that will guide California’s leaders when deciding where and how to decommission sections of the state’s gas pipeline infrastructure. By sharing your thoughts, you can help create a useful tool that prioritizes the needs of California residents.

An illustration of a woman thinking of sustainability
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